Friday, February 15, 2008

The NFL must be really scared of Matt Walsh.

There's a new article about NFL Commissioner Goodell's meeting with Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) out at ESPN.

It's a round-up of what happened at the meeting, and lists what issues Specter wants to pursue, and what he finds unacceptable about Goodell's responses.

Here's a gem, though, from the end:

Specter said he was concerned to learn from Walsh's attorney that an NFL security representative, Dick Farley, had been investigating Walsh. Specter said: "I confronted them on that, and Goodell says, 'Yeah, he [Farley] works for us. Yeah, he is a security guy, but we didn't know he was investigating him.' "

Can you say "witness intimidation"? Good Lord, whatever that Walsh guy knows must be freaking horrible.


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